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How To Read Your Bill
Billing for VernonCom begins on the first of each month through the end of the month. Our goal for members is to receive their bill by the 1st of each month. Payments are due by the 10th. If this is your first bill, it may be higher due to installation charges and pro-ration. Most services bill one month in advance.
Mandatory Fee & Charges
The fee will be applied to all communications service connections with an assigned telephone number. Amounts collected from these fees will be remitted to the state and ultimately be distributed back to local units of government under the county and municipal aid program to support continued funding of police and fire protection services. This fee is mandated by law.
Your local service charge allows VernonCom to provide basic and enhanced services within our service territory, including services supported by the Federal Universal Service Fund.
The FCC Line Charge is a charge you pay to VernonCom that connects you to the telephone network. Local telephone companies recover some of the costs of telephone lines connected to your home or business through this monthly charge on your local telephone bill.
The rate reflects recovery of what we are assessed by the TEACH, UW-System, BadgerLink and PSCW Universal Service Fund programs as determined by the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin.
Helps recover charges imposed on us by the government to support universal service. These charges usually appear as a percentage of the consumer’s phone bill. These fees are subject to change.
A cable television franchise fee is a fee charged by a local government to a private cable television company as compensation for using public property it owns as right-of-way for its cable. This fee is collected from each customer and returned to the local government for this use.